Among thousands of Chinese users of tax havens revealed in the ICIJ files are relatives of the country’s top leaders and some of China’s wealthiest men and women. Explore their links to power and to the offshore economy.

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Graphic: Chris Zubak-Skees. Illustrations: Jesús Pérez. Photos: AP, Ming Pao, Angélica Rivera de Peña (CC BY-SA), World Economic Forum (CC BY-SA) and White House. The Red NobilityThe WealthyDeng JiaguiBrother-in-law of President Xi JinpingWen YunsongSon of former Premier Wen JiabaoLiu ChunhangSon-in-law of former Premier Wen Jiabao Hu YishiFirst cousin once removed of former President Hu Jintao Li XiaolinDaughter of former Premier Li PengWu JianchangSon-in-law of paramount leader Deng Xiaoping Che FengSon-in-law of a former central bank governor Wang ZhiSon of a former vice president Wang JunSon of a former vice president Fu LiangSon of one of 'Eight Elders' of the Communist PartyYeh Shuen-jiNephew of one of PRC's founders Wang JingjingGrandaughter of a former vice presidentSu ZhijunGrandson of one of best-known PLA commanders Ma HuatengCo-founder of Internet giant TencentYang HuiyanChina's richest womanZhang XinCo-founder of property developer SOHO ChinaZhang ZhidongCo-founder of Internet giant TencentShen GuojunChairman of Yintai GroupJia YuetingChairman of web video giant Leshi Huang GuangyuJailed founder of GOME appliances chainDu JuanGOME executive and wife of founderLu ZhiqiangChairman of OceanwideLi JinyuanChairman of Tiens GroupDai ZhikangFounder of Zendai Investment Group Du ShuanghuaChairman of Rizhao Holding GroupMa JianrongChairman of Shenzhou InternationalWen YiboFounder of Sound GlobalShi ZhengrongFounder of solar-panel maker SuntechZhou ZhengyiJailed Shanghai property developer