ICIJ unveils plan to expand global network and tell stories that rock the world
With a bold new logo and a reinvigorated focus on innovative, technology-led journalism, ICIJ plans to broaden its network and its storytelling to new frontiers.

Mission: To show people how the world really works through stories that rock the world; forcing positive change.
Vision: We expose wrongdoing so the world can make it right.
For much of the past decade, democracy around the world has been under sustained attack on multiple fronts.
Power has consolidated at the extremes of the political spectrum. Authoritarian leaders have harnessed disinformation and exploited global catastrophes for their own personal gain. Elections have been sabotaged, wars launched and press freedom steadily eroded. Giant corporations increasingly operate beyond the realms of accountability, as wealth and influence accumulates in the hands of a powerful elite, secretly hoarded beyond reach. The growing abyss between the haves and the have-nots widens every day.
In these tumultuous times, independent investigative journalism has proved indispensable in exposing how the world really works. Time and time again, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ revolutionary investigations, including the Panama Papers, the Implant Files, FinCEN Files and Pandora Papers, have revealed broken systems, widespread corruption and devastating injustice and inequality.
Working together, our global reporting collaborations expose wrongdoing so that the world can make it right.
Now, 25 years after ICIJ was founded and five years since we became one of the world’s most respected, independent, donor-supported investigative news outlets, we are proud to renew our commitment to this mission.
With a bold new logo and a reinvigorated focus on innovative, technology-led journalism, ICIJ plans to broaden its network and its storytelling to new frontiers, working with more journalists and media outlets than ever before to tell stories that will truly rock the world.
To achieve this, we will expand our editorial collaborations to countries where we’ve never worked before, and bring new media partners into our consortium. We will further enhance our technology and build more platforms to scale digital learning opportunities for journalists everywhere, sharing our innovative tools and training reporters across the globe.
Equally important, we will continue our commitment to ensuring you — our readers — understand and trust our ability to tell stories effectively and responsibly.
While we celebrate our bold new vision together, we are humbly reminded of the work that remains ahead of us. At ICIJ, our team members, board, journalist members, media partners and supporters are up to the challenge in large part because of you — our global community.
We are grateful for your support, and excited to have you join us as we continue telling stories that rock the world.
Gerard Ryle and the ICIJ Team