An ICIJ Investigation
Bribery Division
A new investigation uses leaked files from inside a special unit of Brazilian firm Odebrecht to expose new details of prominent figures and massive public works projects embroiled in Latin America’s biggest cash-for-contracts scandal.

- New leak reveals hundreds of millions of dollars in secret payments by an Odebrecht division created primarily to manage the company’s bribes
- More than $39 million in hidden payments linked to the massive Punta Catalina coal power plant in the Dominican Republic, despite two official investigations finding no irregularities
- More than $3 million in hidden payments linked to the Gasoducto Sur pipeline in Peru, including payments to a company owned by the Vice-Governor of the region of Callao
- Hidden payments connected to other major infrastructure projects including the subway systems in Quito, Ecuador; Panama City, Panama; and Caracas, Venezuela

Oct 29, 2024
Peru’s former president sentenced to more than 20 years in prison in corruption case linked to Odebrecht scandal

Aug 07, 2019
‘Moustache,’ ‘Little Pillow’ Among Odebrecht Code Names Revealed in New Testimony