An ICIJ Investigation
Divine Intervention
U.S. AIDS Policy Abroad
Conservative policy hinders U.S. initiatives to fight AIDS abroad by insisting on abstinence-only programs over promoting condom use.
Divine Intervention
PEPFAR policy hinders treatment in generic terms
By M. Asif Ismail
December 13, 2006
- A year-long investigation of President Bush’s initiative to fight AIDS abroad finds that conservative ideology hinders its real benefits by insisting on abstinence-only programs over promoting condom use.
- In 2003, President George W. Bush asked Congress to appropriate $15 billion for an international AIDS initiative, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) — a plan that, while seeking to treat those infected with HIV/AIDS and prevent the spread of the disease, is hindered by conservative ideologies.
- ICIJ found that PEPFAR actually restricts the use of funds because of its ties to faith-based organizations that promote abstinence-only programs and overlook the importance of other courses of action such as condom use.