Video: Looting the Seas
Made in coproduction with tve in 2010, ‘Looting the Seas‘ exposed glaring inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the ICCAT bluefin tuna tracking system (BCD) lauded by officials as safeguarding Mediterranean bluefin tuna stocks. On 20 November 2011 at its 22nd meeting in Istanbul, almost nearly 50 ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) member … Continued
Made in coproduction with tve in 2010, ‘Looting the Seas‘ exposed glaring inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the ICCAT bluefin tuna tracking system (BCD) lauded by officials as safeguarding Mediterranean bluefin tuna stocks.
On 20 November 2011 at its 22nd meeting in Istanbul, almost nearly 50 ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) member countries agreed to overhaul the BCD’s archaic, paper-based methodology and replace it with a new, digitalized system to deter the rampant black market in bluefin tuna.