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Video: Communities Pushed Aside Around the World

Mass evictions of the devoutly Christian Anuak people from Ethiopia were enabled by money from the World Bank, former officials say.

An estimated 3.4 million people have been physically or economically displaced in the past decade by projects funded by the World Bank. The bank has regularly failed to protect the poor and vulnerable people it claims to serve, a new 11-month ICIJ investigation has revealed.

The mass evictions of the devoutly Christian Anuak people from Ethiopia were enabled by money from the World Bank, former officials say. Across the globe, communities are being pushed aside by projects that the bank has financed.

Backed by a team of more than 50 journalists from outlets including The Huffington Post, the Guardian, El Pais, and more, this investigation sheds light on how homes have been destroyed and livelihoods lost from Nigeria to Peru and dozens of countries in between.


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