Andrew McIntosh, Canada-USA, resigned as an ICIJ member after moving into corporate investigations and research. Previously, he was investigations editor for QMI News Agency, a national news service of Quebecor Media, which publishes 28 daily newspapers in English and French Canada.
A certified fraud examiner and an expert on the Freedom of Information Act, McIntosh is a three-time winner of Canada’s National Newspaper Award. He has worked across North America as an investigative reporter for the Sacramento Bee in California, the National Post in Ottawa, The Globe and Mail in Toronto, the Ottawa Citizen and Montreal Gazette. He has exposed political and police corruption, business fraud and waste and mismanagement of public money. At QMI, his unit exposed tax fraud by a violent street gang leader, a ring that trafficked $60 million in fake invoices; the thefts of passengers’ money by airport security screeners across North America; and expense account misspending and cronyism by Quebec municipal officials. In Sacramento, his probe of deaths and thousands of injuries caused by nail guns across the U.S. won an award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was a finalist for awards from Investigative Reporters and Editors and the Loeb National Business Writing Awards.