- Stories by Mort Rosenblum
Jack mackerel, decimated by years of free-for-all overfishing in the southern Pacific, now stands a strong chance of recovery with new legally binding measures to protect it.
Sep 11, 2012

Chilean legislators clear the way for legally binding international measures to protect threatened fish across the southern Pacific, after an ICIJ investigation.
Jun 19, 2012

Looting the Seas III project manager Mort Rosenblum talks about his experience reporting the story for ICIJ and BBC World News with a multi-country team.
Apr 22, 2012

Fishing states meeting in Santiago, Chile, left the way open for fleets to catch jack mackerel far beyond the 390,000-metric ton limit that scientists say is vital to protect the already decimated species.
Feb 08, 2012

Jack mackerel down 90 percent in 20 years in once-rich seas; world’s largest trawlers compete for what's left.
Jan 25, 2012

El stock de jurel ha disminuido un 90% en sólo 20 años en unas aguas meridionales donde antes abundaba el pescado
Jan 25, 2012