Rui Araujo, Portugal, is an award-winning investigative journalist who has covered wars in Rwanda, Bosnia, Croatia, Libya, Central African Republic, Syria and particularly East Timor, the former Portuguese colony.
He is a stringer for Revista Luzes (A Coruña, Spain) and Fonterad (Madrid, Spain).
Araujo is a former stringer for UPI, RFI, O Jornal, Expresso, Público, Libération, Le Point, and co-founder of Grande Reportagem. In 1987, he reported for CBS News on the Iran-Contra scandal.
He has been an ombudsman for Público. He is also a former reporter for TVI.
Araujo has won 11 journalism awards. A graduate of the Sorbonne, he was a Nieman journalism fellow at Harvard University in 1991.
He is the author or co-author of nine books (four of them are non-fiction), and is a contributing writer to Corruption Notebooks (Center for Public Integrity). He is writing another book with two friends from the Special Forces.
Read a Q&A with Araujo in ICIJ's Secrets of the Masters series.
Rui resigned as an ICIJ member in 2023.